For Pinny Gig, I had to create a drum kit that could be used by Bronwyn Dowle to gain a better understanding of the enviroment and the set in which the chracter could perform.
Because many aspects of her compositioning where up in the air at this stage I made the drum kit so it could be easily manipulated around to suit her shots. Functionality included a rig that allowed the hight of each element to be changed simply by moving the head of the object down rather than scaling individual elements, this meant she could adjust the props to suit the character and the shot rather than force herself to work within a pre-set enviroment.
The rig also had to be very easy to use as Bronwyn was very new to maya early on in the year. Any complexities where hidden and I attempted to create an interface which showed only what she needed.

Bronwyn needed a fully functional base drum pedal for her animatic and film, so i rigged a simple IK set drivn key which made the drummed the drum automatically when the base pedal was rotated.

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